Tax Expert Opinions

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Tax Expert Opinions

Tier 1 quality and insight

WTS Australia has enhanced its capability to provide Senior Tax Expert Opinions as a service to address the complex tax issues of our clients.

We receive many requests for tax experts with broad professional experience and life skills to support or resolve complex tax matters for organisations or for a professional firm’s own clients. Quite often, tax areas are involved which require specialised skills, deep subject matter expertise and a strategic approach.

WTS Australia has been purposely designed to provide clients with affordable access to the most experienced and capable tax professionals, whilst reinventing the delivery of tax services. We have a team of highly qualified tax professionals from many antecedent Tier 1 firms and organisations providing a diversity of views and approaches to solving tax problems.

Dispute resolution, mediation and litigation tax support

We recognise that tax can touch on many areas of legal disputes beyond matters directly involving the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and other revenue authorities.

Our expertise in this area extends to complex matters involving:

Professional indemnity (PI) disputes where law firms are acting for insurers
Family disputes of high net-worth individuals including family property settlements, child support and spouse maintenance
Commercial disputes where tax impacts are relevant
Damages quantification (involving tax impacts)
Actions and investigations by professional and regulatory bodies
Other legal areas where tax issues play a role.

What do we offer?

Support accounting and law firms with expert or second opinions on complex tax matters for their clients (we work as part of your team).

Tax expert opinions to support law firms and their clients in litigation and disputes where tax may play a role. Further details of this offering can be found here.

Independent tax expertise to support Boards and senior management in understanding and resolving complex tax matters.

Rod Henderson
Rod HendersonPartner | Corporate and International Tax
Shayne Carter
Shayne CarterPartner | Corporate Tax

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