Patrick brings the knowledge and experience of nearly 30 years as a specialist tax partner at Big 4, advising clients on the effective management of indirect taxes i.e. GST (as well as WET, LCT and FTCs) – from strategic, governance and risk management perspectives. He has a proven track record of successfully representing clients with the ATO and in briefing and supporting matters that have been ultimately decided in favour of the taxpayer by the AAT and/or the Federal Court.
As an adviser, he sees his key role is to assist clients to meet the challenges and realise the opportunities of an ever-changing business landscape – economic, social, environmental and regulatory. This whole of business approach is reflected in his favourite quote: “GST is like sand, it gets into everything”, impacting on sales and marketing initiatives, cash flow, logistics, funding, pricing, contract terms, financial and management reporting – not something that a business can approach on a set and forget basis.